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Bat City Resort Offering a 30-Night Deal to ‘Test Drive’ Lone Star State

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Bat City is the sizzling spot for new businesses and residents. The Lone Star State is seeing new residents come in droves. There is an average of 1,000 new people per day in 2020.

Bat City Resort

That’s why one Hyatt-owned resort on north Lake Travis is offering a 30-night extended stay deal to “test drive” to Lone Star State.

Therefore, a 220-acre resort and spa located about 20 miles northwest of downtown, Miraval Austin, is trying to tap into Austin’s boomtown economy.

Bat City is an In-Demand Destination

“Right now, Austin is likely to be the hottest destination in the state. There are a lot of people that want to move here, said Anthony Duggan, the area vice president, and general manager for Miraval Austin. There is going to be a need for people to stay somewhere before they find their more permanent home in Austin because companies are moving into Texas.”

Miraval Austin Comes with an Expensive Price Tag

Moreover, starting cost at $18,500, the month-long stay includes three meals a day, snacks, and a daily resort credit. In fact, among other things, the resort offers a massage and round-trip transportation to the Austin airport.

Bat City is a Safe Refuge

“A safe refuge in Austin, this is an opportunity for people that can go out and experience and get to learn about the city. They can also retreat back here as a place of reflection,” Duggan said.

More Companies are Relocating and Creating Jobs

However, there is growth in the Austin area. Creating 21,864 jobs, there are one hundred and fifty-four companies that have relocated or expanded in the area last year. Because, this is according to data from the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce.

“It’s a great place for businesses to come here to locate or to grow. I don’t think we can ever underrate the power of just the energy and the innovation in the city of Austin,” said Laura Huffman, the president and CEO of the chamber.

“Come and stay in Austin. It’s a beautiful place. We need to give people a chance. Thereby, test drives the community. Moreover, they can decide whether or not it’s the place for them is. I believe it’s a creative way to approach the flexibility, whereby people have that right now with the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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