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Most Dangerous Intersections In Austin To Become Safer

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In Austin, there are five the most dangerous intersections in the city, meaning they have the highest crash severity and frequency level.  These intersections are:

  • W Slaughter Lane and Manchaca Road
  • Lamar Boulevard and Rundberg Lane
  • Lamar Boulevard and Palmar Lane
  • I-35 Service Road south and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
  • US 183 Service Road and Cameron Road

Many citizens are concerned about the safety. For instance, in July 2015 there was a nine car crash with fatalities at W Slaughter Lane and Manchaca Road. Some temporary measures have been taken, but the time has come for the real permanent solution.

The city wants to add turn lanes, medians, new signage and revise signals at the dangerous intersections. Total cost of the project will be about $3.6 million.

The majority of work is planned to be completed by the end of the year. Work at W Slaughter Lane and Manchaca Road should be completed by the fall of 2017.

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