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Governor Abbott Signs Legislation For Parents To Feel Enabled

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In the state of Texas, you better bet your bottom dollar that the parents care about their children. It’s necessary to be there for your kids when they’re growing up and going through a turbulent time of development. This is something that Governor Greg Abbott has long known. It has been apparent because of the parent empowerment legislation that he had just decided to pass into law at the 88th Regular Legislative Session into law, over there at the Texas Capitol.

The package includes four parent empowerment bills.

Governor Greg Abbott wants to give parents accessible means to course curriculum, as well as knowledge if children repeats grade levels, support the special needs of certain students and even nix out inappropriate books, if the situation calls for it from school libraries.

Governor Greg Abbott believes that the Senate and House were able to make life-changing changes for education within Texas so easily so that the students could very well benefit from the advances being made in education. Some of those bills are able to shift school curriculum in order to make it better for Texas, students, parents and teachers. There is also a law available wherein parents can even take it upon themselves to see if it suits a kid in their best interest to go over a grade level again.

Such bills were witnessed by Senator Creighton, Reps. Cunningham and Hull, and various other parent empowerment groups.

House Bill 1605 lets parents see instructional materials, as provided by teachers. House Bill 900 stops the acquisition of pervasive library material that isn’t great for kids to read. House Bill 1926 takes out the $30 million cap placed on the funds meant for the Supplemental Special Education Services program for every fiscal year. House Bill 3803 lets parents decide if kids would repeat a grade level from 4th through 8th grades.

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