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Homeless Veterans Scooped From the Streets to Inhabit RVs

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Homeless veterans are living on the streets and its a major tragedy and epidemic. Peggy and Bobby Crutsinger want to do something about it. In fact, they have started the nonprofit Operation Texas Strong Est. 2021. However, the couple are not military themselves but they do, in fact, have family ties.
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Homeless veterans are living on the streets and its a major tragedy and epidemic. Peggy and Bobby Crutsinger want to do something about it. In fact, they have started the nonprofit Operation Texas Strong Est. 2021. However, the couple are not military themselves but they do, in fact, have family ties.

Homeless Veterans – The Urgency to Help

“In fact, we did promise (Peggy’s) dad, that is a Vietnam veteran, we does help,” explained Bobby.

Therefore, the nonprofit does depend on RV donations. That is once they do give a vet on RV. Moreover, they secure a location. Thus either on a private property or an RV park.

“Oh, they do give discounts,” which is what Peggy did say about the RV parks they do work with. Indeed, they connect the veterans to. “Also, so far, we can get them situated up.”

Therefore, the couple does, in fact, sign the donated RVs over to the vets. But, they do have legal paperwork which does ensure the RV which will be used for what for it is meant for. That is helping the veterans really get back on their feet. Moreover, if not, the nonprofit is in fact able to take the RV back. Because it is not something they don’t want actually do. Yet, they do want to work with the vets so it really will not happen.

“We do ask they reach out, in that scenario,” Peggy said. “We see maybe they do need a boost of ‘Hey, you got this,’ or then maybe we can, in fact, help to help pay for that month.”

Through social media, the Crusingers were able to do all this.

“That is the way we work, thank God for Facebook,” Bobby said.

The couple has helped 74 people since it officially started their work last month. In fact, they have only had to take one RV back. Moreover, their goal this year is to really help 400 veterans.

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