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Several Jobs in the Area Skyrocket Towards High Demand

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Several jobs are available and wanted in huge numbers. In fact, restaurants lost 60% of workers during the pandemic. This number based on restaurant association in the city. Moreover, many are trying to get that workforce back. Unfortunately, it’s more than a year since COVID-19 has, in fact, shut down many businesses. Still, there are these new challenges arising.

Several Jobs in the Restaurant Industry

“In fact, believe it or not, we are still at the tail end of the reopening process,” said Eric Silverstein. Silverstein is the owner of Bar Peached and The Peached Tortilla in Austin, Texas. It has been a real struggle to hire workers even when everything has opened back up. But both restaurants are in a good place now, according to Silverstein.

Silverstein says it was a struggle to hire workers when everything opened back up, but they are in a good place now. Regardless of the fact of the cost of products going up. It was essential to increase pay to get quality staff working.

“It’s my opinion that people in the industry do deserve to be compensated,” says Silverstein. “In fact, it does come with an increase in the cost of dining out, that, in fact, is part of it, moreover, it just needs to be at a level of understanding with diners.”

Big Consumer Demand Drives Hiring

“In fact, almost every type of restaurant needs almost every type of employee. That is in order to meet the really strong rebound of consumer demand. We are very excited to see and that we want to meet and take advantage of,” says Kelsey Erickson Streufert. Streufert is Vice President of Government Relations and Advocacy for the Texas Restaurant Association.

Skilled Trade Positions are in Demand

Workers are needing in Central Texas beyond restaurants. Skilled trade jobs are in huge demand, according to Workforce Solutions Capital area leaders. This is happening as more properties are going up in Austin.

Online Shopping is Responsible for Creating More Jobs

Due to the increase in online shopping, manufacturing and truck driving positions are also needing.

Information Technology Jobs Need Filling

Also, information technology positions also need applicants. In fact, they can be from positions where experience and a degree is needed. In addition, to jobs where you need to get a certification.

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