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Shelters Put up Around Town in Anticipation for Big Winter Storms

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Shelters are going up around the city of Austin, Texas. Temperatures are starting to cool down yet they are still nowhere close to what was seen last February. Moreover, last year's winter storm trapped people in their homes with no power or heat for many days. It left people looking for food and water.
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Shelters are going up around the city of Austin, Texas. Temperatures are starting to cool down yet they are still nowhere close to what was seen last February. Moreover, last year’s winter storm trapped people in their homes with no power or heat for many days. It left people looking for food and water. In fact, the City of Austin does continue to prepare. This would be just in case an event is the fact it does happen again.

Shelters – Community Disaster

Responsible for all the phases of a community disaster is what the City of Austin’s Department of Emergency Management is. This is from the response to the recovery. In addition, to all the planning and then being proactive to make sure people will stay safe when the danger does arise.

That is really why the department has been distributing the supplies to reaction centers. This is across Austin. To thus prepare them to serve as shelters if needed. There are 12 locations that have supplies that include cots, blankets, pillows, water, food, and several other essential items. Then the supplies are going to remain in place through the Winter.

“Also, as we go through the Winter season, we will, in fact, have these locations and share with the community. Then, if needed, there is where they are and then where you can go get shelter,” said Bryce Bencivengo. He is the City of Austin homeland security and emergency management spokesperson. “There is most vulnerable, we want to make sure, that is, if you are able to ride out another Winter storm. That is whether it is less severe or more severe at home. Also, if that is your best option, we do understand that is for some it is not the best option. They do need more services.”

Planning, Preparing Disasters

Then not plan ahead and prepare for disasters in advance. That is to have a big impact on your safety and recovery in a crisis. Also, a good rule is to have critical supplies and resources you need to be self-sufficient for seven days. You should always have a plan, then build a safety kit that is filled with water, food, and other basic supplies. Also, know your neighbors and if they have a hard time getting around go and go check on them.

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